Monday, September 9, 2019

Why use an infusion bottle?

The fruit infuser what is it?

The fruit infuser comes in the form of a sealed jar with a central compartment specially designed for vegetables, fruits and herbs. It is made either of plastic material free of toxins and bisphenol A as tritan copolyester, or glass, stainless steel or stainless steel.

Bottle infuser

Using a fruit infusion bottle for your detox drinks is first and foremost a more economical solution. Not only is its price cheaper than a blender or centrifuge but you also save on power consumption. You do not have to make any effort because all you have to do is place the fruit pieces in your fruit brew bottle and wait for the brew to take effect.

Given the beneficial properties of detox drinks, the capacity of the infusion bottles will allow you to store up to 1L of infused water for a 24-hour period. The lightness of the bottles will allow you to transport them anywhere and anytime.

The infusion of fruit is certainly the most effective method to create a detox drink and the arrival of the infusion fruit bottle has made its preparation straightforward. We are currently at a stage where it is now possible to personalize your drink by combining different fruits (or even other foods) in one brew. This combination not only allows you to vary the taste of your drink, but it also allows you to simultaneously benefit from the different nutritional benefits of your fruit. Here are some recipes that could inspire you in the preparation of your infused water:

Use of the fruit infuser bottle

The infuser allows the making of detoxifying beverages, and infused or flavored waters. Variable shapes and capacities, the fruit infuser bottle has been specially designed to accommodate pieces of fruit and promote the release of aromas, minerals and trace elements in the water. This central compartment is endowed with a fine mesh favoring the impregnation of the water poured into the container and the distillation of the scents and the components of the fruits.

The operation of the fruit fruit infuser bottle responds to the principle of diffusion, osmosis and leaching. The hermetic stopper prevents the entry of air into the bottle. The preparation thus formed is deposited for a few hours in the refrigerator, in order to allow the water to acquire the beneficial properties of the fruits, as well as a delicious flavor and color.

Benefits of using a fruit infuser

The first advantage associated with the use of an infuser is that it promotes and simplifies the preparation of infused water still called detox water. Nowadays, people do not ignore the need for regular hydration of the body to eliminate toxins. As well as the recommendations of doctors, dieticians and the importance of consuming at least five fruits and vegetables a day.

The fruit infuser comes at the right time to help bring water and trace elements contained in fruits to the human body. It contributes to the supply of nutrients and weight loss because it contains very few calories. It contributes to an improvement of the digestive system, the immune system and the vital functions of the human body through the absorption of detox water.

The second advantage of the bottle infuser is that it boosts the consumption of water. Indeed, it is sometimes annoying to consume all day long a large amount of flat water, without any particular flavor. The fruit infuser brings a plus in daily consumption by changing the taste and color of the water. By combining different fruits every day, drinking water becomes easier and fun.

The fruit BOTTLE INFUSER saves money. With the composition of healthier and refreshing infused waters, the consumption of cans, sodas, lemonade and other fruit juices is dropping sharply. It is indeed more judicious and less expensive to buy fruits and to compose and drink a detox drink, beneficial for the body than to drink from industrial fruit juices. Paradoxically, the fruit infuser bottle, compared to the blender or fruit juice extractor, is cheap to buy. It is easy to maintain, saves time and does not require the use of electrical energy or physical effort. Moreover, the infuser fruit bottle is light, easy to carry, and allows to have enough water infused for the day.

How to choose a fruit infuser bottle?

The purchase of a fruit infuser bottle is conditioned by taking into account some criteria. The first parameter to consider is the size and weight of the bottle. The capacity varies between 750 ml and 1000 ml. Depending on the nomadic or sedentary use you want to make and your ability to ingest a lot of water or not, choose the appropriate bottle.

The infuser's manufacturing material is also a selection factor. A glass bottle is hygienic but looks heavy and fragile. In contrast, a tritan or plastic bottle without bisphenol A is light and unbreakable. Able to carry, it fits easily in a purse, in a backpack and travels with you everyday.

The fruit bottle infuser in stainless steel  is strong and hygienic. It does not retain any smell or flavor. Without a chemical component, it is machine washable. The last criterion to observe closely is related to the operating mechanism of the brewer cap. Equipped with a spout, it allows drinking directly from the bottle. The unscrewable spout, on the other hand, requires pouring the flavored water into a glass.

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