Monday, September 9, 2019

What are the benefits of fruit infused water

The benefits of fruit infused water

In recent years, you have certainly noticed the emergence of a new trend, that of drinking water infused with fruits . Whether at your workplace, in a gym, in your family, at your friends, on the internet, you have probably already met a person consuming infused water that has spread the list of benefits of drinking this kind of drinks and how that had changed their lives.

More and more people are consuming flavored water, but there are still many who have not made it and are perplexed about the benefits of drinking this fruit, herb, vegetables…

If you are one of those people who is asking the question, as you continue reading, you will discover the many benefits of infused water and what positive impact it can make in your life. This is not a passing trend, the effectiveness of these drinks has been proven time and time again in recent years.
benefits of fruit infused water

Let's discover together the benefits:

One of the main benefits of drinking infused water is to stay hydrated. You think that's obvious, but do you know that a large part of the population is dehydrated, without even knowing it, and spend the day working, going from right to left without taking the time to drink the quantity daily water needed to compensate for the loss of body water.

Infused water with fruits , vegetables, herbs or others tends to increase your water consumption, why? It's simple, many people do not drink enough because the taste of water seems bland, so not very attractive in terms of taste. But with infused water, you can vary the tastes, and make available recipes by the thousands. The only limit is your imagination.

Why the body must stay hydrated:

  • The circulation of nutrients and oxygen in your body will be much better.
  • Reduces organ fatigue and improves their functioning
  • Your joints are better lubricated, which helps reduce joint pain
  • The skin will be softer and more flexible, giving you a younger appearance
  • Your muscles will be more energetic, ideal for people practicing sports.
  • Water helps keep the body at an optimal temperature, (in winter when you are cold and in summer when you are hot)
  • Taking drugs, sports, coffee, alcohol dehydrate your body. Drinking water frequently helps to prevent this.

What to avoid drinking?

While shopping at the supermarket, you have probably already seen the flavored water in the drinks department. You say, it is easier to buy these bottles already ready to consume rather than lose 10 minutes to prepare a recipe that must then be infused. Do you know that these bottles contain artificial colors, artificial additives to reproduce fruity flavors ... You understand, they are not ideal for your health even if their advertising arguments say the opposite and especially they have nothing to do with naturally infused water. A brewed water formula contains only water, the natural ingredients you have chosen, so you know exactly what you drink.

In supermarkets, there are also, sodas, energy drinks, flavored powders to dissolve in water. All contain dyes, sugar, additives and they are not good for health. Occasionally this is acceptable, but avoid drinking daily.

The question is simple, are you really concerned about your health?

If so, drinking fruit - infused water will put you on the right track to get your life back on track. All the ingredients used are natural, and it is you who control what you introduce into your body, you are responsible for your choices. Depending on the ingredients you choose you will bring to your body, vitamins, antioxidants, without any harmful additives (sugar, aspartame ...) or artificial coloring and above all you consume a lot less calories , while having a water with a fruity taste.

Can infused water help you lose weight?

Do you know that water speeds up your metabolism, forcing it to use more energy. and therefore burn more calories, even at rest. Several studies have shown that people drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, lose more weight compared to people drinking only when they are thirsty or time over a period of time. So drink enough water, help you lose weightand to be healthier. Just look around, to see the consequences of the excessive consumption of sugary sodas, energy drinks, alcohol ... The population is getting bigger and bigger, and added to the fast food, this lifestyle only increases health problems, including obesity. Drinking water is the simplest thing to keep your line.

Discover some of the benefits of infused water:

  • Accelerates the metabolism
  • Evacuate the toxins from your body
  • Decreases muscle fatigue, and brings more energy
  • Helps the body to release more fat cells
  • Facilitates the digestion of your meals
  • Improve your mood
  • Accelerates recovery after physical exertion
  • Reduces bar-beating during the day, especially after lunch
  • Stuff the stomach, avoiding nibbling

Knowing that infused water has virtually no calories , you can eat without moderation. It is important that you drink enough daily water. If you want to lose weight, drinking regular water keeps you hydrated and that's the most important thing. Make our recipes and drink as much as you want during the day.

How to increase its consumption of infused water?

If you do not know it yet, the body is 60-70% water. This means that after oxygen, water is the most important thing for you to live. In order for your body to function properly, you need to stay hydrated, it is the fuel of the human being. To avoid being dehydrated, here are some tips to drink more during your days and stay well hydrated.

Every morning, when you wake up, drink a big glass of water, before throwing yourself on your cell phone. Why, simply because on average we sleep 7-8 hours a night, a long time without drinking, so the body is dehydrated upon waking. Drinking water or infused water will allow your body to wake up gently.

About 15-20 minutes before each meal, drink water, 1 or 2 large glasses. It will fill your stomach and hydrate you. You will have a smaller appetite. By setting this habit in your lifestyle, you will have better control of your weight.

Whenever you are hungry or cravings, drink. If you are eyeing one of the donuts your colleague brings to the office, immediately drink 1 or 2 large glasses of infused water. In general, this will drive your nibbling drive. If ever, after 10-20 minutes, the munchies do not pass, always avoid the donut, and opt instead for a fruit, apple, watermelon, pineapple ...

Equip yourself with an infusion bottle , you can find at very convenient prices. It is essential to have a bottle constantly available, so you can drink wherever you are, at work, by car, at the park, at the gym and at any time of the day .

Always keep your bottle or jug ​​filled with infused water. Once your infusion bottle is empty, fill it again, depending on the ingredients you use in your recipes, you can fill a bottle several times with the same ingredients inside. When you feel the water loses its fruity taste, prepare a new recipe. By always having infused water on hand, you will tend to drink more.

Vary the recipes, there is an unlimited number of ways to prepare flavored water . Have fun testing blends of fruit flavors, vegetables, herbs, plants. Follow existing recipes, or let your imagination fulfill your current desires. The excitement of trying new recipes, and making them taste your surroundings, will also increase your water consumption.

By following the advice above, you will never be dehydrated again, and you will feel healthier!

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